This game was hyped to be Oblivion and more...not the case. However, it's not quite as unbearable as some may say.
By now we should all be familiar with the constant bashing of Two Worlds. While I think that most comments about the game are a little on the harsh side, they aren't all that unjustified, there are a lot of serious flaws with Two Worlds. However, if you REALLY enjoy open world rpgs and look at the game's few positive aspects, there's a chance you might actually derive some honest-to-goodness fun from it.
Let's look at what makes this game fun amidst all it's serious shortcomings. First off, the game world is huge, comparable to Oblivion's. Plenty of towns and houses are sprinkled throughout it. Also, there are some interesting and diverse enemies to be found in the game. There's also no shortage of loot either. It really depends, however, if you can get into this type game or not. If you can, that is what really will make this game fun at points.
Well, here is why Two Worlds is so vehemently hated amongst many gamers. The worst thing wrong with the game(in my opinion) is the god-awful story. It starts out very simply: your sister is kidnapped by a mysterious cult and you must rescue her. This simpleness quickly... stays constant throughout the game. Nothing takes you by surprise; the first few hours into the game you will figure out the one curveball the developer attempts to throw at you. Plus the ending sucks. Sorry for being so blunt with my previous statement, but other words fail to describe it's, well, sheer level of suck.
Now, the combat system isn't as broken as some people say, in fact it is fairly useable. The biggest problem with it is that you never feel completly in control with your attacks, which can lead to many quick deaths in a game where, many a time, one hit will kill you.
The graphics are pretty mediocre as well. While there have been worse, they are definitely not very pretty to look at.
Also, the online is not at all what it could have been. There are deathmatch games, which are very poorly designed with debilitating lag throughout. What is disappointing, however, is the mmo-esqe games that could have made plenty of people overlook the flaws of this game. These games fail because of the same two reasons the deathmatch games fail, poor design and unbearable lag.
The dialog and voice acting in Two Worlds is so inexplicably bad that it is terribly funny at times. You will literaly find yourself dying of laughter at the utterly braindead things you find your character spewing out of his all-too-big piehole.
Like I said, it takes a special kind of love for these kind of rpgs to have fun with Two Worlds. The sad thing is this game could have been so much more, only to be weighed down by flaws that could have been avoided only if more care was put into making this game.