Interesting RPG with a heart of gold but even gold sinks if in water....
Two Worlds achieves many things where many developers seem to forget to consider when it comes down to what the gamer could actually want. Like a double edged sword the game also has many defects as well. To begin with Two Worlds is a massively large free roam environment built on the belief that the player has the soul control of what his hero could do in the game. Like many rpg games of this day and age there is a center quest if followed helps the player level up his or her hero easier and quickly. But sadly through the center quest which is suppose to be the icing so to speak of the game isn't soo sweet but long and ardurious. After traveling for an hour by foot or horse back u tend to get the feel that all that is bigger sometimes isn't better. Even through SouthPeak did their best to limit the load times on my 360 verision I still seemed to have to wait many seconds for the 360 to load a new area. On top of the slow traveling speeds the monster encounters seem very far apart and at times too overwhelming for one player to handle themselves. Of course traps can be laid or summon creatures can be used for aid but the summon creatures AI tended to be of no help and if you weren't anything but a warrior carrying the traps could greatly reduce your heros inventory size greatly. Sadly to go with all the other hickups with the game graphically and musically Two Worlds seems unpolished compared to other games already out but still looks and sounds slightly next generation. The things I think that impressed me the most had to be the weapons and armor that you the hero were able to obtain or create. Being able to choose from a large array of armor and weapons and then equiping them and seeing your characters appearence change with the new gear always made me hungry to buy the next top priced weapon or armor....
To conclude Two Worlds if gaven the chance can be a decent rpg but it doesn't fall anywhere near some of the upcoming rpgs and current rpgs already out. My advise wait to buy until price drops or just rent it before buying it.