Mound of Garbage.
I played it for as long as I could. And I am not that picky, people. I really tried. I also really laughed uncontrollably during the first few minutes of voice acting. Then, I was cursing and throwing things at the walls.
It carries an M rating. I showed it to my 10 year old nephew... I can't tell you what he had to say about it because Gamespot wouldn't allow it! Let's just say that no one under 5 should even bother with this. You'd get more enjoyment out of a rattle, or perhaps one of those little paddles with the rubber ball attached. Swat it, kiddo!
Hardcore Gamer had the audacity to say this game was "Oblivion on Steroids!" It was printed right on the box. WHO said that?? I want their address... so we can... chat. I want to know the context of that statement. Wait... aren't steroids bad? If you take steroids and play baseball, doesn't that get you KICKED OUT? I think it does. Well this title should be kicked right out of the store and into the landfill. Recycle the packaging to make something more useful... like perhaps a new My Little Pony GBA title. I did like the part in Two Worlds where... uhh... oh dear, I've lost it. Shucks. Nope. There is just nothing nice I can say about it. I am sorry. I am just utterly appalled. I should have just reinstalled Diablo 1.
If it carried a 19.95 price point, maybe... JUST MAYBE, it would be worth checking out. That is, if you have "sufficient time".
Two Worlds gets two middle fingers from me, way up.