Whoever thougt this game was bad doesn't know what a good rpg is when they see it.
Two Worlds is a great roleplaying game that's been hammered and hammered with bad reputation since the word go BUT I hope my review will change the way you think.
First of all the game is set in the world of Antaloor, the average equivalent of a little bit of our Earth. Mountains,forests,deserts,lakes and oceans. The story follows the tale of an unamed mercenary on the search for his sister and slowly the quest becomes more than a resque. The story has many peaks and its great for an original storyline.
On to gameplay...
The game has exellent control scheme and makes it easy to manage your hero. The game has a LOT of weapons and armour, seriously its like WoW out there in Antaloor. There are tons of skills from deadly strikes to swiming skills. There are around 6-7 different mounts to ride, although they're hard to ride you'll get used to it and more tweaks are coming in the next patch.
The graphics are great. Effects,weather,armour the lot.
From the hilarious times of the dialouge to the thwakes of weapons its awsome.
Overall two worlds is a great game. Don't miss it don't diss it.