Those who like Oblivion... give this a whirl!

User Rating: 8 | Two Worlds PC
I am not in the business of comparing two games. However, this game does strike me a similar in game experience with a multiplayer version of Oblivion. It's not the BEST experience of multiplayer that I've experienced, but it does have some cool traits. It's one of those games that you can play your character a LONG time, and still have some fun with it. Although, I must say that they need more lands to explore, and many more different types of quests, animals, and monsters to slaughter.

I have to say though that the armour here is VERY COOL! Not only are there MANY types, but they did an extensive job with making them look cool, with the stats that would best match your playing style. The way a player can 'ride' in this game is really cool too.

It's got its graphical lag issues, with the server trying to make sure that everyone is syncronized (who the hell cares if Joe is sycronized with me while I'm trying to slaughter a monster). But, if you have two faster connections together, the game is relatively smooth. They did some tweaking to correct this, but it's still not entirely fixed. Had they fixed this problem, I'm SURE that more people would enjoy this game.

The Alchemy is very advanced in this game, but one should update their alchemy skill to max before actually ivesting the ingredients that take so much time to collect. What's even more cool about it, is that your recipies can be named, stored, and used again in the future, should you come up with one that makes something REALLY good. - good idea

The weapons in this game are neato too. Their are a lot of them, though not enough it seems, especially if you're a mage. Also, they need to have a good solid crafting system with trades (example: weaponsmith, armourer, bow maker, tanner, scholar in magical arts, etc), in order to keep more players hooked, and to be able to invest more time leveling up to craft the best weapons and armour.

Having said all that.. this game is simply fun. And if you're more of a single player kind of guy/gal, this game definitely allows more of that... but with the option of being able to communicate, and sometimes quest with real people.