for what is now a 5 dollar game, equal to 400 ms points, this game has grown on me and is still a must play for RPG fans

User Rating: 8.5 | Two Worlds X360
In this day and age of my gaming carrer i have to shop for deals to buy a new game. I remember when i first tried out the demo on this game when it first came out I, like most people hated it and labled it a cheap verson of EOSIV. However, i was at gamestop and noticed it was selling for a mere 5 bucks. So i went home and researched what made this game appealing to the small fan base it had and noticed that they claimed if you can get pasted its flaws there is a game to be found in it for true lovers of hardcore wrpg fans.

There is plenty of depth to be found in this game when it comes to weapons stacking which makes looting fun. Alchemy is also complex and rewarding. the world is huge and feels more alive than oblivion because it is well populated. The factions are more intresting as well because which ever one you choose it can affect how others treat you.

This game should be a must buy now that its cheap since you'll find now arcade game that can give you this must time with a rpg. If you dont like rpgs or like hardcore rpgs then stayaway from it.