I must be playing a different game than most people because I'm quite impressed with the overall game and graphics.
I assume it being the Epic version, all the bugs have been patched because it plays very smooth and bug free so far. No crashes or glitches, just a beautiful romp through a lively world,stopping to kill a thing or two along the way.
Graphics are a knockout. Crisp and clean. Wandering around and checking out the views really adds to the game. The random encounters with various killer wildlife really makes you feel you're in a real world and anything can be waiting over the next hill. More encounters than in Oblivion.
User friendly interface allows you to remap buttons and customize keyboard to your liking. Always a plus.
The whole game just comes together nicely. An ok story gets moved along with the aid of running conversations, which I find much easier than clicking every sentence to advance the story. Battles are engaging and with a wide choice of weapons and magic there's alot to experiment with.
I've played Morrowind and Oblivion. Just finished Fallout 3 and until this came along I was deep into Drankensang. I won't say this is better than those but I will say it's "almost" just as good.