The further in Two Worlds you'll come, the more you'll love it. Dont let the first impression fool you.
So the main story is just lame but the secondary quests are very fun. They are very creative and they all have a story behind it so you really feel that you can care about the quests. Its not just, go and do that for gold, its more like they really need you to do this quest for their own needs, and it feels important for you to do this. There are many dialogs in the game and they are most of the time interesting to hear, and i actually like the voice acting. Its very unique that fits in the game. Its a little cosy i think. And keep in mind that you are in a world where they does'nt speak like regular people. Makes it interesting. Its in the charm of Two Worlds you could say.
The gameplay in two worlds is both good and bad. Its simple hack and slash, waving your weapon around to kill them. It works for me i must say. I don't like to grind so as long as i can kill them, im happy. The bow works better, its as good as it can be except for not being able to move while shooting. The magic system is great, with many different fun and creative spells. Its also good that you can be all "classes" at once. To get the full experience. Its a good way that you have to learn your abilities from others. That makes it more interesting and a bit more real than to just level up and learn them out of thin air.
The graphics and sound is good, not the best but you still get to experience the awesome atmosphere in the game. There are lots of different enemies in the game and a very fun and rewarding alchemy system makes it even better. Animations looks good, not any complaints on that. The enemies, weapons and armors are very detailed in this game, so your character always looks very good. The bad part about this game is that it was rushed at the end of the game. the north part of the map is superb but the south part is actually terrible. Its a wasteland with barely no quests to be found, except for one city. (Which has many quests.) And the main story ending is a bad joke. No its not even funny, its just bad.
The game has multiplayer but it just is'nt as fun as the singleplayer, its simply grinding with simplified quests.
And you have to work from the scratch because you cant transfer your singleplayer character over, which is bad.
After installing the latest patch the game is next to bug free, I can finish all the quests without any problem. Off course there are som glitches, like the famous horse but nothing that really breaks the game. So if you play this game just to ride a horse, look elsewhere. I had a lot of fun in this game and i really recommend you to play it too. I gave this game a 8.0 because for the bad story ending and for the sometimes lack of quality. (textures, sounds e.t.c.)