lots of potential but fails to even compare to oblivion.
yeah i thought this game was gonna be awesome, like a better version of oblivion but it turned out to just be crap. and its so funny how on the back of the box it said this game was "oblivion on steroids".
1) the story is just plain stupid. the whole save your sister thing is pretty stupid. and the lore is just retarded and makes no sense.
2) about no quests to do. after beating the main quest im guessing there are around 15 extra quests for you to do totalling up to around 25 quests in total. which took me about 17 hours to beat.
3) theres about no variety in the monsters, and the difficulty of them ranges greatly. at level 80 i one hit kill most things while other creatures(metal golems and lava dragons) i don't even put a dent on them.
4) the whole playing world looks funny. when your standing on top of mountain on one side of the map there is no way you should be able to see all the way to the other side in clearly. in oblivion if you stand on top of the frostcragspire(the most northern, highest point in the game) and you look south you will not be able to see the other side of cyrodil. it makes two worlds look less realistic.
5) all the cities are lame. the capital city for the orcs and the humans are smaller than one of the cities in oblivion(anvil, bruma, etc) and there are no human soliders patrolling the roads or even outside the city walls. this takes away greatly from realism and it just made me wish i was playing oblivion. and there is supposed to be a war going on but you see no fighting ever, your never envolved in world shaping events(like you were in oblivion)
6) there are no add-ons in this game, im guessing that the devs realized what they created was a load of crap and didnt even bother making any new content for it(except for online) and just started working on another two worlds(which im sure is going to suck)
7) the online sucks. theres weapon glitches and there multiplayer is lame.
and not that the developers could help it but there is just about no modding community. there are mods out there (around 40 i believe) dont get me wrong but they pale in comparison to oblivions thousands of mods and the mods in two worlds are very very small and minor.