Disapointment, but still Underated

User Rating: 7.5 | Two Worlds PC
I bought this game at launch expecting "Oblivion on steroids", only to find that, if that boast is true, it stopped taking the steroids, and has started to experience the muscle deterioration and shrunken man bits that go along with that. Not that this is a bad game, as a matter of fact, this game is pretty good.
I will start with the graphics, I was disapointed here, it isnt a bad looking game unless you take into accout the terrible character animations which ruin the whole look of the game. The box boasted about its combat system, which, in my opinion, well, sucked. In the beginning all you have to do is time when you jump back correctly and you can defeat any single enemy with enough time. Unfortunatly you are incredibly weak when you start the game so if there is ever more than one enemy in the beginning, your dead, I could not ever get a hit in without taking a couple. On the other hand, as you get stronger the enemies dont (unless you go south) which I actually prefer to Oblivions scaling everything up as you get stronger, you can actually feel that your getting stronger in this game. The voice acting is incredibly bland, there are alot of different voices, but none of them stand out, none of it is horrible though. I could go on with the problems of this game but I have nothing to add that hasnt been said a billion times, so on to the good...
Even with the problems I said in the combat system, its not terrible, especially when I compare it to other action RPGs that I have played (Curse you dungeon siege 2!!) and it stays fun enough the whole time without getting too tedious. One thing that I LOVED was that you can pretty much reset you character whenever you want in the game with enough money by going to guys in hoods (Title escapes me) I did this 4 times I think, which is probably why the game never got overly boring, Mage to Fighter to a Mix then back to fighter kept things fresh. The game world is HUGE there is alot to do, exploring however is not as fun as it is in Oblivion, or Morrowind. Its not bad again though, you'll always find some cave, or camp, or somthing to keep you amused.
For this game to be fun you have to invest enough time to get your character good enough, when you get pretty strong its amusing, and I would recommend it if you've played through Oblivion and Mass effect, and are sick of them.