A game that can be enjoyed not only by younger players but also with teens and adults.
Graphics- A very good looking colorful game. Indeed the graphics are great but compared to it's PS2 and Xbox counterparts aren't as great. The PS2 and Xbox one look more sharper and better. The cartoony graphics in this game look great and have smoother graphics than its counterparts but aren't as good. The level design is great but is sometimes simple. But still great. The visuals are great and also cartoony looking. Overally, great graphics.
Gameplay Addictive. It's really kick@$$ to see some baddies get hit by boomerangs. It's addictive. You can also change your range with the d-pad but you have to earn the rang. I think it's easier to use cheat codes to get all rangs. The camera can sometimes be a little annoying but only a few times. The control scheme is pretty easy. A makes you jump, B makes you throw rangs, X button makes you bite, The D-pad changes your rang. That's not all of the controls... but I'm sure you know them (if you don't... then go find the controls!). The bosses are really great. My favorite one is when you fight Sly the Tasmainian Tiger. Rang vs. Rang. Cooooooool. Superb gameplay overall SOUND- The music is good and the voice acting is great. Nice Australian sound. I'm not Australian but that's some good sound! OVERALL- A great for Australians, Americans, and in my opinion... a lot of others. I played the 2nd one and I want to get the 3rd one. I'm looking forward to the 3rd one.