Crap voice acting, poor story, and short - but its just what games were meant to be - fun!
My point is, FORGET the storyline - it doesnt make much sense, and isnt particularly interesting. If you are going to play this game, play it for FUN. Theres lots of over the top fun in this game, and if you ignore everything else, you'll appreciate how exciting this game can be.
The first time you kill someone, you will smile at how grimly satisfying it is. They drop their weapon, their helmets fall off , all grenades and everything else they are carrying goes flying off them/blowing up, and they slump to ground in a magnificent show of the ever-loved ragdoll physics. Sparks fly off surfaces when you shoot them, bullets fly everywhere, things explode.... If only the rest of the game was so damn good, this could be one of the best first person shooters in years.
But alas! There are numerous problems with ubersoldier, not just the storyline. Thats the least of your troubles. Because this game is plagued with the inevitable curse of budget games... Bad voice acting. Oh, yes. You will experience some of the worst voice acting ever in this game. I think I could have done a better job, and ive even never done it before. The main character in particular sounds bored, unsure how to pronounce certain words, he doesnt even seem to care if he does well or not. There is just no effort in his voicework at all. Its the same for just about every other character, but strangely, the main character is the worst. There are one or two good voices in this game. But they are overshadowed by the bad ones. It actually reminded me of The House Of The Dead. If anyone remembers that game, the voice acting was "so bad it was good" in a sense that it was simply hillarious to listen to. This games voices arent bad in a good way though.
Also, the game is very short. I think it took me about 5 hours to complete on easy setting. And the ending is totally uninspired.
One thing in this game that stands out above everything else - even the gameplay... is the graphics. Apart from F.E.A.R, this is one of the best looking games ever. With everything on highest settings, you will be drooling over how good this game looks. The weapon models and character models arent much to look at... But everything else is superb. Two things though, for maximum performance, turn "Shaders 2.0 For Levels" off. It doesnt make much of a noticable difference in this game, but makes a HUGE impact to your overall frames per sec. And you need shadows turned on! Nomatter what else you do to your graphics settings - leave shadows on. This game is nothing without shadows.
Final Verdict
If you can look past the dreadfull voice acting and storyline, and general cheesyness of...... well.... everything - and focus on the gameplay and graphics, then this is a good game worth playing.