Finallly great graphics with Great gameplay
Graphics- 10/10 FIFA 07 had great grahics but CL06 really made a big enough upgrade on the graphics and presentation to make to worth seeing.
Gameplay- 10/10 THis is how football should be played,the pace of the game is right on with a true football speed, Tackling is much better, you still have to be careful but straight red cards like in Fifa07 won't be as common! Passing has been inproved, Shooting is always great in fifa games to me at least . Overalll a signifigant upgrade from fifa 07 that makes it worth playing and overall it's funner to play that FIFa07
Sound- 8/10 Overall sounds great but could have been just a tad better but I'm not all about the sound and commentary, the commentary still uses some of the same phrases from all the other fifa games
Tilt 8/10 Besides the CL tourny you have a lot of game modes and challenges for the game to keep you occupied for a long time, the Ultimate team mode is extremly Innovated and fun to play, I can't wait to get my Golden Ticket to take my team to CL tournament, and with all the challlenges or re-writing great CL games is very cool
This game is very awesome and gets me excited to think how awesome
FIFA 08 will be, if you love Soccer and have a X360 you NEED TO BUY THIS GAME!!!