There is only one word to describe this. "WOW"
It is so called FIFA 08.5 and only feature European Countries and based on the European No 1 Competition for Countries.
Let's start shall we?
We take a look at the new feature- Create-a-Celebration, as you score a goal, you can let out whatever you want by doing moves. Moves like The Robot, Knee Slide and all other things. In Online play, this is a great way to taunt your opponents. My Combination Celebration is R3 R3 Then R1+R3.
Captain Your Country is the newest and the most innovative game mode yet, You can play it with your friends and with the computer. The career spans from Euro Qualification all the way to the finals.
Let's go back to gameplay. This game is harder to defend as it shows the realistic gameplay of the real game. You now need a bar (like in shots and lobs) to pass or through pass. This is indeed a great feature to makei it more realistic.
Crowd Reaction, WOW it's really amazing. They know when to cheer, when to boo, when i played Portugal Vs England in Wembley, the english fans are really booing....
Let's go for the bad parts.
The images of the fans were choppy, like 16-bit characters, it could be visibly seen when taking freekicks.
After the Dead Ball, the screen will keep going to the center circle,then to the area the ball is in, a small glitch but nothing bad.
Now we go to online.
There is a Euro Cup Knockout Tournament which allows you to repersent a country and play a knockout game. You can play all the way into the finals..
BOTN or Battle of the Nations is a way you can track down your score and represent your countries. It can be activated or not.
The frustrating thing about online is that almost EVERYBODY PICKS FRANCE, while i use lower teams like Ireland and Serbia.
Be A Pro Online is not there, hopefully a patch will make it possible.
Overall, this is a great game, you can choose to buy it or not, but you DEFINITELY have to buy FIFA 09
Graphics : 92%
Audio : 92%
Gameplay : 95%
Overall :92%
This is flamedraco, signing off.