UFC 2010 - Another "take" on this game. This one changes the rules during a critical time, and it's not fair.
I have tried to win the title three times. I've tried this on beginner, experienced and advanced difficulty settings. I'm frustrated...here's why. I do not have every single button mash combination down to a science. I have not memorized the 316 different offensive and 287 defensive manuevers. But...I do know alot of them. Entering into the title fight every time, my record was around 20 wins with no losses. However....no matter who I fought for the title, I saw moves I had NEVER seen before, both offensively and defensively. The champion did things to me that I didn't even know was possible. And I lost three times after figthting a couple rounds in each fight. This was particularly tantrum inducing when I played on "beginner" difficulty. Not to mention that I litteraly POURED all of my experience points into defending my weakest skill areas. And yet....come title time....the game designers threw the difficulty level I chose, and my XP out the window and decided to kick my butt.
I'm sure there are many reading this who had no problem obtaining their title. My whole point is.....when set on beginner, NO ONE should have any problems gaining the title. If you want a challenge....move up the difficulty scale. Do the game makers do this becuase they think they are supposed to make the ending this way?
I'm very P.O.'d. I just wanted to make my figther, kick some tail and wear the belt. In this case...two out of three IS bad.