Hated it at first, loved it after a while.
The Good:
* Good mix of tactical missions, researtch, production and strategy around the planet.
* Good storyline
* Cool species, good twist with different races.
* Difficult maps - more variety then Aftermath (even if the same maps keep on popping up).
* Music is suiting (but maybe a bit repetitive).
* Funny comments from the different characters (could be more comments i guess).
* Difficulty not linear to progress. Sometimes it's much harder then other times.
* Nice enviromental elements.
* A lot of different ways to go ahead with researtch (which can ruin your game totally if you make to many wrong decisions).
* Many different parts of the game to take care of at the same time.
* Good control with the pause/play function in both planetary and tactical view.
* Good audio acting.
* Hard AI in tactical missions.
The bad:
* Small font, hard to read.
* Autozoom that makes you CRAZY!!!
* no renaming the heroes
* Graphical problems in start of the game - need to use other EXE file to make resolution work.
* Bad turtorial which you cannot skip.
* Bugg when going on missions sometimes - the squad wont go even if all criteria matches.
* To easy in the end.
* A little dull ending
* Boring movies - could be much more action and feeling in them. and they are to few!
* Mindcontrol against you in singleplayer...gahg
* Hard to understand how to reach sertain goals - as to get more energy in the base and sutch.
* Could not break treaty.
* Bugging lategame sometimes.
* Cannot ALT+TAB
* Bugg in inventory in missions.
But still, when it comes down to it all, the game is STILL WORTH PLAYING!! Great fun!