A good expansion pack for the 'Daddy' of all MMO's.
It was the first MMO that I played and one that I played for almost 4 years. There was almost nothing in that game that I had not done or experienced, it was fantastic.
But like anything, new games came along and UO lost it's shine a little bit to the more modern offerings being released and I moved away.
While wandering around a games shop a few months back I noticed this expansion and picked it up, mainly for old time sentimental sake. I took it home, installed it and re-activated my long dormant account. I was surprised to see that everything I had was still there, all the characters, equipment, houeses and money, all waiting for my return.
So what was it like I hear you all ask? Did it still have that spark that set it apart from almost every other online game for such a long time?
Sadly for me, it didn't. Nothing really much has changed in the world of UO, it is still the same old place but with a different theme here and there. 4 years ago that would have been fine and tempted me back into the game but now, after being spoilt with EQ2 and WoW it is hard to find the enthusiasm to carry on where I left off.
That is not to say that it is a bad game, I played for a few hours just to have an explore and a look around but for me anyway, there was no compelling reason to carry on.
But for someone who maybe has not lived and breathed this game for years there is something here. If you start out with no history then I think that you may enjoy this expansion (which comes with all the previous expansions as well so it is very good value for money).
EA is definitely not letting this game die, it has a very strong community and user base, in fact friends I played with all those years ago still play and said hello to me when I logged in after such a long break.
So I would give it a try, just don't expect a luxury comfortable ride, this game is 'Old School' but it will give you a run for your money.