The first UO with new design. You can play the same game and even better for free with RunUO sorry EA.
There is tire recap and the UO kingdom reborn recap, who's already got is aligator laydown all over Britania.
Business this is only what it is reborn more money but the an Orange as been press to make some juice and you did press two, four, six, ten times some day nothing is coming out that what happen.
Who you are and beleive in it play and have some fun and I am sure you will. I have pass many years all over that old game even the negative critics until the begining never stop me this is a real longterm game, long virtual life game and complicated game if you wish.
Or a standalone and say. What I am doing here in the middle of no where. They were the first one they still are the first one other company only copy with better technology without having to take the first risk of the MMORPG. All other Company where looking just like God or Evil to grab thier idea and make lot more money.
To the Designer of the Reborn I am so sorry for you guys. Your company do not give you any bakcup for the flexibility of the new platform
I wish only, if there is one last longer life that company wich to give. They should be given the othorization to make a real good server for five to ten persons free or independantly of their montly fee, as I said before they already press that real hard.