A remake of a classic shooter without the light gun that adds new elements to the old styles

User Rating: 5.5 | Ultimate Duck Hunting PC
From what I managed to play of this new feeling old time classic I gathered that it tries to be everything that it should be in terms of Duck Hunt. Though the new elements of this game bring a 3d map in which to hunt in and a new dog with 2 distinct "away" & "come back" commands, I feel that it fails where the original won. That being 'originality'. With that said, its a pretty neat lil game, though I wouldn't be rushing out to purchase this, especially for a new gen console. Simply because the demo here is riddled with bugs in my opinion and the game itself crashed way too much to be enjoyable. Hunting Ducks is cool but without the light gun ala NES it feels like a limited 3rd person shooter for children who shouldn't be playing Halo 3 or gory FPS. Not in my taste, but you should feel it and test run it for yourself.