Featuring 12 additional fighters, rebalanced gameplay, enhanced artwork, new stages and extra modes, "Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3" is the definitive version of the game. It was released only 9 months after the first MVC 3 hit retail shelves. Unfortunately, owners of the first version could not purchase the update as DLC content. If they wanted to own the "complete" edition, they had to purchase the disc for another $40. Despite this poor marketing scheme, "Ultimate" (while not perfect) is a big improvement over its predecessor. The new characters, which include Ghost Rider, Hawkeye, Virgil, Nemesis and Frank West, brings the total roster to 48 fighters. And the rebalanced gameplay corrects every issue that made the first "Marvel Vs. Capcom 3" a non-essential fighting game.
Of the new modes, the free add-on entitled "Heroes and Heralds" is the best one. It allows players to side with good or evil factions and then customize their powers with special upgrade cards. The introduction of Galactus Mode makes Galactus playable in Arcade Mode. And a new spectator mode allows up to six players to view online matches between other players. Fighters from the original MVC 3 have also been given new moves and tweaked animations. While it's a shame that Capcom did not add anything substantial (besides the additional characters) to the game, what's there works quite nicely. Also, the online experience is much smoother than in the original release. Overall, this is a fun, fast and flashy title that any fan of MVC should enjoy. I'd give it an 8.4 out of 10.