Judge the game on its merits and not the controversies.
1. What has become a full fledged release that mocked the 60$ you through at its predecessor was once upon a time (at least allegedly) supposed to be several dlc and patches ruined by the tsunami in Japan, ( you could take this to mean they were planning to charge you for the 12 characters in umvc 3, but if you do, suddenly paying a straight 40 dollars instead of 12 installments of 14.99 looks pretty good)
2. Your blinding anger just might make you miss out on an excellent game, and if your a fighting game fan, this would be tragic.
I'm not saying we should blindly support a gaming company when they are taking us for a ride, or accept anything less than quality for the cash we provide, and yes, capcom has a shady past of re-release profit schemes. But the bottom line is, once again, they have provided a very quality product, and if you can look past the ridiculousness, you'll find this game is a steal at this price (especially for you lucky/smart fools who waited until now to get in on it).
For anyone who has bought the original game, your probably well aware of some of the advertised features this game has, like spectator mode, and of course, the 12 new guys, but by far the most important new feature is the re-balanced system. From the outside looking in, this could either read as some minor footnote or a horrible series of nerfing to your favorite character, but in reality, it is one of the best thing they could have done for the game. No more infinite combos. No more spam loops. Just a game of skill that is all about letting you create the combos you want but within reason (not to say you won't still see some ridiculously long combos, but they're subject to damage scaling). Not only that, but most of the characters are actually made better! For instance, Spider man can now web swing twice from the ground to air, his web glide is faster, and is all around better in technical areas. Other examples are Dr. Doom, who's altogether faster, and Ryu, who definitively gains something special. Of course there are a few guys who get nerfed, like Tron Bonne, but they usually gain something in return, like magneto gaining abilities allowing him to control space. Another aspect they really refined on is balancing the playstyles of every character. This means your no longer restricted to using a select few characters if you want to win because, as long as you invest the proper time learning them, all characters and playstyles are capable.
This is by far a much better game, and i love everyone of the new characters, but it seems like a couple are a little under-balanced. frank west has a pretty cool and unique concept for a play style, similar in ways to phoenix wright, in that you can power him up in the middle of battle to make him more damaging. but unlike phoenix, it takes you quite a lot longer to get frank powered up to a point where it makes a significant difference (though this seems to be offset by the fact that when fully powered up he's quite devastating!). There's also some minor gripes that may just be personal things,( I hate that Dormammus flame carpet disappears when hes hit, but in hindsight its fair) but all in all the choices were for the better. Also a major complaint is how bare-bones everything still is, which is fair criticism, but I only really care about the fighting, so its not a big thing for me.
All in all, this game is just so much a better fighting game than it already was. The work they put into balance and refinement is evident from the very beginning, and regardless of how you feel about the company behind it, you have to appreciate what they have brought to the table. If you are someone who missed the opportunity to kick a$$ in the original, this is a no brainer, but if you are one of the many scorned as i was, i hope that you could see to look past it, because you'll miss out on what is, at least in this point in time, the best, most balanced fighting game out there.