How can anyone not like this game?

User Rating: 9.6 | Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 X360
umk3 is a port from the classic arcade game and truly lives upto the original, the graphics are realy better and look great. The game also features online support which runs at a smooth rate.

The game is promising in its xbox live games however falls flat in the single player, the single player realy is the downside has it realy suffors from terrible ai, and will realy rely you to cath your opponont making a mistake rather than using your skill to defeat him which is ok, but the problem is they hardley ever make a mistake and just walk backwards all the time which can realy ruin the game and make it a choir to run through.

that said this game is awesome you must get it if you own a 360 seriously, fighting games dont get much better than this