This was one of the first games i EVER played!

User Rating: 9.1 | Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 X360
When i was about 3 years old or so i can remember, for the first time, seeing my unlce in his room playing a game on his SNES and asking him what it was. "Its Mortal Kombat!" he would tell me and then i would watch him for hours and hours as he burned through the game and pulled out combos. Eventually he had to go takea break and so i got to play and THAT is what got me into video games. Being able to control a little person on a screen seemed to be so awsome that i was instantly addicted and spent many hours trying to master my skills (keep in mind i was only 3 years old). As i grew up games got more advanced and they soon started leaving the games to the SNES behind. This made me forget about most of those games and it made me have to move on to games like Mario Party and Donkey Kong. But NOW we have it on the xbox360! I can easily tell you taht this is the best arcade game out there.... .....especially with the online! Playing on xbox live is SO MUCH FUN! When i first saw this game was on marketplace i put in points and instantly got it. Now im actually playing this so much that my other games (Oblvion, COD2, GRAW, etc) are all gathering dust! SO, if your a fan of the series than this game is obviously a must have, not only for the multiplayer with your neighborhood friends, but also for the xbox live connectivity! Im serious, it WILL leave you hooked!