The best version of Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3...
User Rating: 10 | Ultimate Mortal Kombat DS
Ultimate Mortal Kombat is one of the BEST Mortal Kombats in my opinion. Why? Because first of all, it's Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, which is the most-fully featured 2d MK game to be released in arcades. It is also the ARCADE PERFECT version, and it's nothing short of that. The screen size is perfect for a 2d sprite game like this, where on a large tv it would look too stretched, so there's another bonus for it, and also, when you play the game, the screen you're not fighting on displays all the different button combinations for all special moves and finishing moves, which is REALLY HANDY. That's not all, though. There's ONLINE PLAY! You can connect to other gamers from around the world using Nintendo's Wi-Fi service, and it's actually really good with barely any lag. But that's still not all. The 3 hidden characters, Ermac, Mileena, and Classic Sub-Zero (who all must be unlocked with an individual code), stay permanently unlocked even after you turn off the game. That's a real treat because in every other version of the game you have to re-enter 3 different codes each time you play the game if you want to play as those characters. But that's STILL not all! There's Puzzle Kombat, which to me is the best portable and is really addicting and fun. And while it may seem minor at first, this is actually really cool. Your profile. Your profile keeps track of your wins/losses in single player, wi-fi, and puzzle kombat. It also displays the bios for each character in the game, and also has a "Shao Kahn's Hidden Treasures" section. This is really cool because it permanently lets you replay or watch any hidden treasure you unlocked after being the single player game, including endings. This is a real treat and, to me, is the best version of Ulimate Mortal Kombat 3. It has a lot of replay value and I highly recommend it to any Mortal Kombat fan especially, but also to fighting enthusiasts. Anyone else probably wouldn't appreciate the amazingness of this masterpiece in it's best form (and don't listen to GameSpot who says it's only fun in multiplayer, because that's BS and this game up until now was played singularly for the most part at home if there wasn't a physical person to play with).