Very challenging game. When you beat the game, you feel as if you've accomplished something great.
User Rating: 8 | Ultimate Spider-Man GBA
I haven't played a GBA game in months but one day I was in Target with my mom and as I always do, I run towards the video game section. I have never played a Spider-Man game before but I saw Ultimate Spider-Man on clearance for $10. I thought I might give it a try because I've always been a fan of cel-shaded graphics. For a GBA game, the graphics are well executed. The cel-shaded graphics are the perfect style to go with this type of game and it is very bright and colorful and the animations are done quite well. The game is short. You can beat it in 5 hours or less depending on how many times you die. And die I did. This game is difficult and it can be frustrating at times because you have to keep redoing the levels from the beginning when you die. I was resilient however and once you beat this game you will feel very accomplished. It's a satisfying game that I think every GBA owner should try. The gameplay, although difficult at times, is very fun and fulfilling. The graphics are executed well. The sound is great. The music in the background is good but repetitive and the sound effects are great. This game has some replay value though. When you beat it you unlock a harder difficulty but it is so hard to begin with I don't think you would want to play it again.