Venom levels are phenomenal, great DS game! A must-have! (My first review)

User Rating: 9 | Ultimate Spider-Man DS
Gameplay: The controls take a little bit to get used to, but soon you’ll be web-swinging and fighting like a pro. When playing as Spider-Man, I think there should have been a better developed web-zip system, but overall it’s not bad. The real treat is playing as Venom. You control him on the bottom screen and use the stylus to fight and use tendrils to grab objects and people. It adds great variety and you will find yourself playing Venom’s levels over and over again. However, a couple of Venom’s levels had a little too much puzzle solving and not enough action. 8/10. Graphics: The cel-shaded graphics are gorgeous, and take great advantage of what the DS can display. The animation is smooth and the characters look like they pop out at you from the screen. The cut scenes are set up like moving comic book panels, though, and do not animate. 9/10. Sound: The sound isn’t too bad for a portable game, and Venom’s roars and screams will send a nice little tingle up your spine. Spidey will make nice little comments during fights, which are good for a quick laugh. The voice acting, especially in cut scenes, is slightly grainy and sometimes slurred, but not so bad that you can’t understand what the characters are saying. 8/10. Value: The game is quite short, you will probably beat it in less than 10 hours, but hey, it’s a portable game. You won’t care that it ended so fast, cause you’ll play it again and again. This is a great DS game that will keep you hooked for weeks as you replay every minute of it, especially Venom’s levels. Some of the boss fights are very memorable and well worth replaying. Put this game on your wish list, you won’t regret it! 10/10.