what if i said this was better than the cube version?
For starters it looks sweet. It's 2D fighter on a 3D background in the same lovely graphical style as its 'Cube' cousin. But here there are no problems with background fading away to blocky buildings. everything looks brilliant, particularly on the first level. The second reason it's better is because the Venom levels are actually fun and easily equal to the Spider-Man ones. You use the the touch screen to wipe Venoms's tendrils across the screen. He can pick up enemies and toss them about like dolls. it's great fun and shows the DS can easily cope with traditional style beat-'em-ups Finally, there are none of the boring races or fights. It's straight into the story and it continues at a blistering pace. It still manages to incorprate Spider-Man rescuing victims but you dont need to search around for them