As a Spiderman Fan I have to say this game could of been longer and better, but still a good game.
User Rating: 7 | Ultimate Spider-Man PS2
Now when i got this game I was expecting a big collection of characters from the spiderman universe hence "Ultimate Spiderman" if it were ultimate it would have Hydroman, Sandman, the Green Goblin, Hob Goblin, Mystyio, as well as cameo characters by Daredevil, The Punisher Ironman ect... all in all it was fun playing as Spiderman and Vemon, but they could of thrown in a playable Carnage, I mean really come on don't you think "the gamer" as well the "comic junkie" would of loved playing as Carnage, anyway the gameplay.....alil repetative and the races seem abit more challenging then they should be, but then again you get an awesome prize for beating them all, but really who cares because the biggest down side is that the game is too too too too too short, "the gamer" can beat it in less then a day, which is really really disappointing since it was supposed to be Ultimate, meaning really long, really really long, I will give it to them because of the comic inspired story and how it goes together I liked that, So if your a Spiderman fan i can so so recommend this game, rent it first so you can beat it and then deside if you want to buy it.