Great game, well worth renting or at least picking up at a good price
Ultimate Spiderman is different from the rest of the Spiderman suite as this game is based mainly on the comic line of Spiderman and luckily avoids any of the films shortcomings.
The graphics are very similar to other comic games like XIII on the Xbox, and this makes the game a lot more enjoyable, the more cartoony the graphics the more a developer can place in the game that normally wouldn’t exist.
The levels are based in an open plan city and to get to each mission you can either walk around the streets (boring) or you can swing like a spider monkey from building to building which is not boring at all, in fact my favourite part of the game is getting from A to B. With the bulk of the missions beating up muggers is the aim of the game, however you will occasionally get the ability to race other Good orientated super heros thourgh the streets of the city and these can be very fun.
The game also has an excellent twist in it when halfway thourgh the first level you take possession of Venom, a suit that has some resemblance to a Sci Fi ship called Event Horzion in a nutshell you are a walking, hissing totally evil version of Spidey with skills and powers equal to his own which makes an interesting twist to an otherwise excellent game.