This game isnt even good enough for diehard fans. Or, well, anyone.
The game is rather short....and the side tasks take WAY too long to activate
I had to swing arond for like 8 minutes then finally a task showed up...
The boss fights are ok if you didnt have to chase the idiots every time!!
The first chases are cool, but come on it get really old.Here Spidey is 14
so he relies on his agility rather than strength...Now the best part about this
game is VENOM!!Now venom is a walking hell....(which is a good thing,in
some cases)He can jump about 100 feet in the air,eats people for health
and doesnt take NO for an answer....Overall its Spider-Man 2 all over just with
a new character,and new Villians....Overall If your not a hardcore fan of Spidey
then rent this one..