ok i guess

User Rating: 7.3 | Ultimate Spider-Man GC
Well Ultimate spider-man was actually made to fix most of the things that were bad in spider-man 2.. but it seems tha the game hasn't changed much. The comic book style graphics are ittee and the improved sound.. which is improved! but it still doesnt help the game. The problem with the game is mainly how long it lasts. When you first play it, its fun, exciting and pretty cool. But once you've finished it.. well lets just say it wont last as long as you think. Gameplay: Well gameplay is fun, mainly cuz you can swing around the bigger city than in spider-man 2. hehe its like they fixed some stuff but ruined others. Like the citys bigger but swingings slow and not as complex and fun like in spider-man2, the fights are gay the fighting system is different from spider-man 2 which is gay as well... i mean you punch, kick, aerial attacks, punch/kick combos and wall bouncing attacks thats all, the web attacks arent effective and you must web people after you knock em down.. its seems realistic but during a gang fight you take down someone and you wanna web em up but you cant cuz of the other bad guys jumping on you. Playing as venom probably fixes the problems yo have with spidey cuz its a totally different style of gameplay. You destroy, kill and suck people which is AWESOME. Everything about playing as venom is cool.. main problem is that when you finish the game all you can do with venom is DKS (destroy,kill n suck ) nothing more..

Graphics: graphically USP is wayyy better than sp2. Sure it looks cartoony but still the animations are very good, the characters are well shown and the city looks very sweet. There arent much problems with the graphics besides the fact that they left the "tryin 2 b real" graphics from sp2 which is kinda dissapointing.

Sound: BIG IMPROVEMENT! No seriously, the sound in sp2 was very like... never there... most of the time you swung around the city there arent any music, the characters didnt sound real and the sound effects were seriously lame. But USP is a totally different story. The music sure not always there but atlest its there. The music comes and goes but comes back unlike in sp2. The characters sound very good. The comedy very funny and keeps you interested in ways. Sure Bruce campbells gone but you have a very funny spider-man to play with in this game unlike the boring personal life sucker spider-man in sp2. Value: Well... well... well... lets jus say in short.. the game's short. Nothing more, nothing less. Its short and becomes boring when you finish it.

Overall: UPS is one of the best spider-man game so far in ways. It improved the franchise in ways but ruined it in others. If you're expecting a spider-man 3 type game then dont buy this. This game is probably best to buy if its you're first spider-man game or if you didnt played spider-man 2 cuz you gonna be dissapointed. Well actually dont even buy the game before even trying it. Rent it first. IF you like it then buy it if you dont then dont its as simple as 1+1. I suggest rent it a couple of times to finish it and get it out of you're system.