Pretty good story... doesn't change the fact that everything else kinda sucks...

User Rating: 4.8 | Ultimate Spider-Man PS2
Think that this is better than Spider-Man 2? You should be smacked! So Brian Michael Bendis penned the plot... so Mark Bagely did the art... whooptie s$@#... takes more than that to let me enjoy a game... and that's what hurts this game the most.

I don't have to go into details about the graphics... stylized cel-shade look, with heavy outlining... gives it a neat comic book look. And the cinemas... comic panels that jump to life. Sweet. I suppose...

Gameplay... I want to cry here. Two of Spider-Man 2's best features... GONE. Combat has been simplified with the exclusion of the "spider reflex mode" as well as the evasion ability. Their pitiful replacement is the jump button... that's it... the jump button. Spider sense flairing up? Jump. Yup... that's it. Oh yeah, enemies can still be cheap, especially if they're stronger and/or shooting.

But the biggest sin... yes, the BIGGEST sin, my children... is THE COMPLETE WATERING DOWN OF THE WEB SWINGING SYSTEM IN SPIDER-MAN 2!!!!! Oh yes, what was probably the single best part of Spider-Man 2 is completely mucked up in this "awesome game". No wall running, no wall bouncing... no midair tricks... no web slingshooting... no nothing. Oh, but you can still use the zip lines... whoopie.

And you'll sometimes need to, cause the numerous races and city tours that you'll HAVE to complete to advance the main mission can't be completed otherwise. Yes, you are REQUIRED to finish some of them in order to go any further in the game, as opposed to using them as a nice diversion from the main game. Sure Spider-Man 2 did the same thing, but at least they managed to be enjoyable... until the mechs showed up. And here's something else to consider. They're not fun. Seriously.

Does it do anything right? Well, sorta. Some of the fights... well, the Venom/Wolverine fight were pretty fierce. I didn't much enjoy fighting the Rhino, or Beetle, or Sable (who apparently is pretty tough to take punches from Spidey, leap farther than him, and cause more damage with her attacks... which when you think about it, doesn't really make any sense. And when they went after Venom... do you know how many times I was shot up by guys driving THROUGH buildings?)

I still consider the first truly great Spider Man was for the Genesis. And I still think that even with it's accomplishments, this one is truly bland. Spider-Man 2 wasn' t high art either, but at least it offered something that kept me coming back for more... which this one doesn't. Bendis, why don't you finish that series you did on MTV... I'd be real greatful if you did.