This is an excellent Spider-Man game. Probably, the best one to date.

User Rating: 8.9 | Ultimate Spider-Man PS2
Now, as we all know, i love Spider-Man. One of my most favorite super heroes gettin a facelift in this excellent, but short game. Gameplay, it is awesome, i can tell that the web-swinging has been revamped and all that, but it can be difficult at times. Sometimes, it will be very smooth, and the next, it will be really hard to control. But i still love it. The action, as far as combat and stuff goes, still supreme, i love the moves and all the cool things you can do with Venom. Graphics are AMAZING, i love them. The whole comic book, cel-shaded look of this game is really cool and feels just right, and at place with this game. Audio, the voice acting is awesome as well, i love the guest appearances in here as well. The cameo from Wolverine was very excellent, i loved it. And the cameo appearance by Johnny Storm of the Fantastic Four is another excellent addition to it as well. Value, it's a really awesome game with a lot of good qualities goin for it, it could have been better, only if it had a longer campaign storyline. But overall, it's an excellent game. You might want to rent it though, i suspect many gamers will be disappointed by the EXTREMELT short storyline campaign mode in the game.