Spider-man, spider-man, the radioactive.....oh wait, this isn't the one spidey we all love!

User Rating: 7.3 | Ultimate Spider-Man PS2
Let me start by saying, yawn.

Good, now that that is out of the way, let's move onto the review.

Ultimate Spiderman....my friends told me it was going to be great, and the hype told me it was going to be great, and the magazines told me it was going to be greay-DON'T BELIEVE THEM. All this is, is a spiderman wannabe. 15 years old, scrawny, and a pushover wimp....that's the spiderman we get for "ULTIMATE"....sheesh.

[[GAMEPLAY]]: Well....Spiderman is stale.....the web-swinging is fun for awhile, but really, it just gets way old way quick. His combos........they are mediocre at best. I suppose the designers of this game were trying to imagine him with the power of a 15 year old....they succeeded. Venom on the other hand, is fun to play with. Just something ABOUT being a hulking monster and eating people is fun. He has alot more power than Spidey, can fling cars, eat people, and has good long range moves. One minus for him though is the fact that he can't web-swing, but instead flings himself by tentacle and/or can pull off jumps with hulk-style finesse. And to top it all off, doing most moves only require the simplest of button presses.

[[GRAPHICS]]: They did it the Cell-Shading way. Not bad, one of my more favored styles of graphics, and they did a not-so-shabby job with the Comic-book styling. But at some points in a cut-scene, they look gritty. They are one of the better aspects of this game.

[[SOUND]]: I'm telling you now, the words and phrases Spidey repeats are hilarious....for awhile. The do get old, but they are good for a laugh.


[[REVIEWER'S TILT]]: Well, at first glance it looks good, but as you play through, in the end, you just don't feel fufilled. It does keep you going for a short time, but soon story mode is over, and your eyes are bleeding while you scour the city in search of tokens. Definitely worth a rental for spidey freaks, but others should know that they shouldn't expect much from this title.