This is just a plain old alright game. Nothing really special in this game stands out to put this game over the top. While being Vemon this game is really fun but the missions arnt that good.. The graphics are kinda cool but the voices in this game are horrible. In my mind this game is fun for awhile but most of the time its just plain alright. But once you get into this game it isnt THAT bad. I think if you could choose to be Venom the whole time this game would be wicked but whoever picked Spider-mans voice should be shot. Other then that this is an alright game and if you are a spiderman fan you will most likly like this game once you get past the boring begining
Good- Great visuals, simple control scheme, interesting story, perfect difficulty Bad- A little on the short side, not a ton of replay value Ultimate Spider-Man is the latest of the Spidey franchise, and while t... Read Full Review
Ultimate spider-man is the best spider-man game available, no doubt, the graphics are incredible, breathtaking, and look exactly like a comic book, the web swinging has been improved from spider-man 2, it has many bosses... Read Full Review