Definitely underappreciated.

User Rating: 8.8 | Ultimate Spider-Man PS2
Ultimate Spider-man takes the Spider-Man franchise in a different direction.
With the previous Spider-Man games based on the hit movies, I think we all got caught up in the CG and live action of the movie and forgot a little bit about the origin of our hero, Spider-Man.
Ultimate Spider-Man brings Spidey back to the pages of the comic book he came from, this game uses Cel Shading to illustrate it's enviroment and characters. I'm not a big fan of Cel Shading but by useing it in Ultimate Spider-Man it actually makes sense and it looks good.
One of the best features of this game is that you can play as Venom in this lush 3-D world and tear s*** up!
Ok,ok, so you can't go as far as destroying buildings or killing people, but you can devour people to regain some health and you can throw cars around like an angry child throwing Matchbox cars!.
You have plenty of stuff to collect around the NYC, so it should keep you busy for a little while.

Over all it's an enjoyable experience, but sadly...
The game is to short.
But if you find it in the bargain bin, it is a must grab!