preatty kool game plus freeroam!!! kinda short though :(
User Rating: 8.5 | Ultimate Spider-Man PS2
This game will hook you from the start. It's fun saving the day as the heroic Spider-Man, and it's also great to create a path of destruction as the villainous Venom! With very simple controls and great sound effects and graphics, this is one game you'll love to play! Unfortunately, this game is very short. You'd easily beat it a day or two after you start it. Of course with the free roam city there's much to do after you beat the game, like save people as Spider-Man or create chaos as Venom while searching for the many secret tokens hidden throughout the city. This will get boring in no time. The replay value for Ultimate Spider-Man is very low, but it's entertaining for the while you do play it. This game is only worth purchasing if you're a true Spidey fan (like myself) and if not, then I'd recommend renting it first. Four exclamation points. !!!!