BOring at times hilarious at others!
User Rating: 7.6 | Ultimate Spider-Man GC
Well this game is basicly about obvioulsly spider man.There is a suit that makes spider mans freind crazy!well thats all im gonna tell.Well there isnt full saving peaple like in spiderman2 its kinda like swing around for 5 minutes untill something happens.The fight is all right and it is hilarious when you are fight on a skyscraper or by water and you use your web to throw peple off or in it lol!This game can be super annoying some times not to meantion its only like a 7 hour ride like i am kinda at the last level and i have to open a door by pushing l then r realy fast !note i mean on the gamecubeversion.It is so hard i cant beleve i am suck on that.But i think they toyed around with the caracters to much.I mean if you have seen the green goblin he looks looks exactly like the incredible hulk i mean whats up with that.He is green and he has purple shots i thought i was fighting the hulk not wimpy osborne.And shocker is so annoying.He keeps saying threw the entire venom level you are folowing him not bad,i thought this was a chase not a walk in the park,wow the freak might catch up, like over and over and over its so annoying.And they expect you to be so strong like i can lift a 15 pound wieght and i am 10 and i play this game and i have to push l and r like 5 times pur second for 10 seconds its so annoying well thats it for now .Butt if you dont like when peaple toy with the story and characters or like longer games i suggest getting star wars eppeisode 3.