The sound is kind of good every now and then. the only good sound is the background music at the title screen. The voices are very bad. Peter parker sounds like a 9 year old even though he is supposed to be in his teens. Also, he says the same things dozens of times over. When you race the Human Torch he keeps saying "A real match could beat you". And punches and kicks don't sound right.When you wall crawl, you can't crawl in the direction you choose. If you press up, you don't go up 70% of the time. The only time wall crawling works kind of efficiently is when you are on the side of a big building and vertical, not horizontal. You can't run fast or sprint. The web slinging is slightly better in one aspect though, you can crawl up the web. Other than that you don't swing well. When you attack a group, and press right, you are supposed to attack the guy on your right. but you attack anyone besides him most of the time.Spider-Man wants to defeat Venom and find out what happened to his parents and fights a bunch of characters on his journey. Thats it. There is some other stuff like stopping crooks and helping some guy who is hanging from the roof. There isn't any interesting story line or dialog.