Almost but not yet. Could have been so much better. Rent first. Hardcore gamers will luv it plus only $20.
The gameplay isn't bad. Swinging takes a little getting used to because after playing Spiderman 2 these controls are very different. I preferred Spiderman 2's controls but that's just me. The problem with this game is repetitiveness. The things you get to do are good but if you have to do them over and over again it loses it's flair. It's like hearing the funniest joke in your life 20 times. It doesn't make the joke any less funny but hearing over and over again, it just doesn't work anymore. It cool to hear the wise-cracking web head of old again but it takes a little more to keep gamers into this game. Spidey's fighting system is ok but could have been done a little better. Plus the way things go in this game is you save someone falling from a buliding or being mugged, then chase down the bad guy, race a fellow super hero, fight a boss then repeat. I have to say playing as Venom was a lot of fun but the first problem is that Venom doesn't use a web at all but just jumps really high and far. It is very cool feeding off of the civilans because the suit needs to feed, the problem was that everytime your health got low there were so many humans around to feed making things a little too easy.
The bottom line is that this game is only slightly above average. There are many famous heros and villians that make cameos in this one so you die hard fans of the Spiderman character as well as just Marvel fans will love this. There just isn't a whole lot of different things to do and the game may drag. I still bought it because for only $17 used, you can't beat it. This game could have been better but if I know games, the next one should be amazing. Worth renting but I wouldn't have bought it for any more than $20. So if you need a game to pass the time before Spiderman 3 comes out give this one a try.