best spidy ever almost

User Rating: 10 | Ultimate Spider-Man PS2
This is the best Spider Man game I have ever played ; like spider man 2 you get to go all over New York and more of it; but there is one thing I don't like about it; you don't get to go to Liberty Island or that other island like in sm2; but awsome that you get to play a venom; what would make this game better is if they made it where you can go to those other islands I was telling you all about and if spider man could toss cars as well; and maybe play as the other people you had played against; and you would think as you play as venom ; when he tosses cars at a building he could smash a hole in the side of it or blow it up or something; and maybe add a little blood; and if you people out there , if you read this and you got to the statue of liberty ; let me know please; now apply all these changes and it would sell better ; well I think so.