Ultimate Spider-Man offers up very clean visuals, and good boss bouts but most of the game is dull and repetitive.
User Rating: 7.7 | Ultimate Spider-Man PS2
Based on a different reality in the Marvel Universe, Ultimate Spider-Man finds our hero in high school and with Mary Jane knowing what he is and several other continuity changes from the main storyline that is familiar. This is an original story by the writer of the Ultimate Spider-Man comics, but unfortunately, the game doesn't really capitalize on the story very well. Most of the game you'll simply find yourself swinging or leaping to and fro chasing someone down. This would be fine for a bit but it's mostly what you do... Other than that there are heaps of "beat 'em up" style missions and races with the Human Torch of the Fantastic Four. Suffice it to say, it gets dull mighty quick. Thankfully, boss battles shake things up a bit, and it's where the real challenge in the game is. The graphics of the game mirror the look of the comic book with cel-shading and even the cinematics look comic-y giving the over-all presentation a unique feel. Music is, for the most part, non-existent and only occurs during action sequences. Sound and voice acting however are spot on and add plenty to the atmosphere without going too over-the-top or cheesy. Like other Spider-man games by Treyarch, there's lots of tokens to collect around town, from location tokens, to secret tokens and... well... that's actually about it really, but they unlock various sketch art and costumes that can be viewed at any point. Ultimate Spider-Man is a blended mix of good and bad. The good is in the graphics, sound, and overall presentation. But if you want a Spidey game with depth, and lots of replayability, there's a very limited amount of joy to be had from this title.