A Must-have for any gamepad owner!
Single-Player: You will most likely find yourself playing in Training or Challenge mode options to better beef up your fighting skills before heading to ranking matches. The Arcade mode is just like the normal SSFIV, but with added characters and dialogue to further expand the story. Nothing great to be honest, but will please anyone who follows Street Fighter religiously.
Multi-Player: The main BULK of this game. Ranked online matches are so much more improved. The matchmaking is considerably faster than the previous game. Another great feature is the Character Selection screen, unlike the previous game, you and you're opponent no longer see who is selecting what before the match starts. I found that rather annoying in SSFIV because your opponent will most likely wait for you to choose so they can choose a "counter".
Overall: The game is highly polished from the original. More characters, better Match-Making system, Less Lag, slighly better visuals, the option of 2 Ultra Combo Finishers, Unknown character selection, everything. Get it!