Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition was an installment/update for Street Fighter IV in PC which included new warrior
First impression of this game was Wow! is this real? there are many character in it!. And that the start of my excitement because they have new challenges like barrel buster & car buster that you unlock when you play arcade mode and turn bonus stage on(similar like the bonus stage in final fight) and find it amusing.
Also i can't play online for now so i can't review the online mode but the addition of replay channel and revamped ranked match and new match mode makes me think capcom made a great move. And the one of my favorite thing in this game are you can change the stage music to character theme music that i don't find in Street Fighter IV but find it in this game and that was AWESOME.
In the end thanks capcom to finally release this game to PC that's was great( but not great because i can't experience the online mode)