One, if not, the best exclusive on the PS3
On Oct 13 2009, Naughty Dog added one more brilliant exclusive to that list - Uncharted 2. In my opinion, the best PS3 exclusive to be out this year, even beating Killzone 2. The game not only had everything you ever wanted out of an exclusive, it also raised the bar for any future exclusive developments for the PS3 - much better than its predecessor. Right from the start, it was a ride filled with thrills, mind blowing visuals, funny lines (while not really original), good voice acting, some puzzle solving elements (this part reminds me of Resident Evil) and last but not least - good multiplayer - which I wasn't expecting from this game. It is so well made, that you sometimes forget that its just a video game.
The bottom line is, I'm kind of echoing some of the professional reviews out there, but this is very true - If you have a PS3, you really must get this game. Pop the Blu Ray disc, make sure that your Six Axis Dual Shock 3 controller is all charged up and enjoy! you'll know what I mean if you just give it a go.