AMAZING! overall a awesome game.

User Rating: 9.5 | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves PS3
**IF you don't care about extra info, skip to very bottom**

Basic info:
Graphics: AMAZING! great animations with amazing backgrounds and a lot of polish to it!
Gameplay: Sharp controls, lost of humor, intense cut scenes, and a lot fighting with a sense of stealth.
Enemies: very good, smart, and aware AI
Online: Very fun with enough game to keep you happy, with a "Mute all" option for the giggling 10 year olds in the background.
Glitches: not many, and non that will affect you except maybe once or twice.

short review, nothing to say except AMAZING!

** IF you like suspenseful action with hints of stealth, loaded with funny humor, and a 10 hour campaign with endless online hours, then you will like this game.

ATTENTION: since this is a sequel many will ask: "standalone?"
well, if you play the first game then you will understand maybe 2 or three more jokes in U2, but if you just want U2 that's OK, you still will have fun with U2.