Simply Amazing

User Rating: 10 | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves PS3
The graphics
I've never cried playing a video game, I didn't cry playing this but I came close. The graphics are freaking astounding. That annoying commercial with the dude's hot ass girlfriend thinking it's a movie. She wasn't lying. It definitely looks like a movie because there are no homo loading screens. How did they do that. It's still amazing how all the scenery is very detailed and the climbing isn't as obvious as other platformers like Prince of Persia and Assassin's Creed. Still so freakin astounding.

For most platformers this is actually smoother than the other big plat formers out there. It's definitely not slow and you move seamlessly through your environment. Fighting is fun. They really take the focus and turn fist fights into intense looking one on one scraps with the enemy. Shooting is a big deal in this game. It is third person which means shooting is different, but unlike other third person shooters like RE5 and Gears of War you can't take cover, which just means shooting is a frantic run and gun ordeal.

The Story
I guess it all lies in the story which I'm not entirely sure of or really enveloped of. It's supposed to be extraordinary with all lies and betrayal. And I saw glimpse of that in the beginning sequences of the story that is all so very smart. Just know that your a treasure hunter going across the world hunting for treasure. DO NOT COMPARE THIS TO TOMB RAIDER.

Final Word?
Like I said don't compare this to Tomb Raider, it's not the same. Concept? Maybe but this game has fixed all it's flaws that were in the first one, producers and game designers listen and that is what I like to hear when it comes to the games we play. Also love the fact that it's a movie, I died twice because I thought it was there was a cutscene. Seriously the way it flows...flawless. IT has multiplayer too!!