Uncharted 2 is definitely on the map...
Uncharted 2 Among Thieves is quite easily the best looking game on any console to date with amazing in game graphics and cut scenes that rival any movie you have watched. The detail in the game goes from the big to the very small should it be a huge city burning to the ground with rubble everywhere or the bloodstained clothes and cut face of Drake. Animations are so life like amd smooth that just makes watching cut scenes feel like a DVD movie in particular the character Chloe who must be the best looking game character of all time. Its easy to say at time's, Uncharted will blow you away with some of the best visual imagery that this generation of consoles will ever produce.
The voice acting stands up there with the likes of GTA and Mass Effect to deliver a Hollywood sounding movie game. The script is sharp and witty but the actors themselves bring the characters to life, in particular Nolan North (Drake) and Claudia Black (Chloe). The way the characters banter during in-game play is brilliant and is very GTA like adding to the humor but its not just voice acting that helps make the game sound and feel like a movie.
Gameplay reminds me of Assassins Creed 2 with the almost flawless free running/climbing physics built into the game but it also manages to create its own unique style in the action/adventure genre. I have to admit shooting engines can be hit n miss with a controller but Uncharted 2 nails it and the melee combat system while a little repetitive offers something different to keep the gameplay from going stale with just gun fight after gun fight. There is the odd puzzle now and again to please the Tomb Raider fans and for people who might not like such additions, they aren't too difficult/stupid, which is an easy trap for the developers to fall into. My main gripe with the gameplay is Drake can sometimes be a little too sensitive when walking in tight spots leading to some untimely and annoying deaths.
AI is particularly strong especially when so many games failings normally come from AI. While the enemies are never too challenging you will have to play it smart and not just run out shooting like Rambo if you want to survive. The stronger enemies with more armour require a little planning ahead or if you have the weaponry some heavy brute force. Your fellow AI are pretty smart with some crack shots and good movement though now and again they will fail to run away from a grenade or accidently get in your way but neither spoils your fun.
Uncharted 2 Among Thieves offers a great lengthed single player that avoids being short nor feels like its dragging on. The game has been polished to an excellent degree with few bugs if any that you will notice. The single player is so fun that you will come back even after finishing the single player, should it be to play it on a harder mode or the challenge of finding all the treasures hidden within the game. There are multiplayer modes and co-op also built into the game for those who love online play with fellow gamers. At the end of the day Uncharted 2 Among Thieves is easily my game of the year and one of the best games of all time that any PS3 gamer should own in there collection.