Get it, play it, you will certainly love it!

User Rating: 10 | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves PS3
Uncharted 2 was my choice for game of the year.. It really is an amazing piece of work. Environments, combats, characters, dialagoues, story... pretty much everything about the game was so so good. From the first moment you start to play until to the last the action almost never stops and it is reflected so well that you feel it as you play. As soon as I finished the game I started again immediately because it was not enough for me and had to go on playing. TPS games are generally my favourite and this one is certainly on top 5. For PS3 it certainly is the second best for me (wouldnt dare not to put MGS4 to first place)

No one who likes to play games should not miss this game. I was expecting more puzzles and that was the only part of the game that I was disappointed about because there were only a few puzzles which were really easy. (wouldnt even call puzzle) But this down side (for me) of the game certainly did not bother me because the game was so much fun that it is impossible for you not to enjoy it.