What's the other word for perfection??? It's Uncharted 2!!!
Now, as usual I'll start my review with GRAPHICS:
well, I am telling you the words can't describe it,but i'll try.They are:
magnificent,the best,superb,oh my goodness,gorgeous,wonderful,masterful,marvelous,remarkable, tremendous, greatest,unbeatable,beautiful etc.etc...
Cut-scenes are as if you're watching a movie, and i couldn't notice when they're over and when i can continue to play.Uncharted 2 is a game full of colors,explosions,collapsing-buildings and i really haven't noticed a single frame drop.
I've caught myself many,many times in the middle of combat just looking around and enjoying the environments!
Another cool thing is watching Drake's hair moving on wind or looking how snow is gathering around his legs and on his jacket when you walk through it.
One more thing worth your attention is looking at Nate's clothes getting wet when you jump into the water and how it gradually dries and you need to pay attention to facial animations.you can read characters emotions looking at them, so unbelivably realistic.
Uncharted 2 has best game graphics EVER!
STORY: This game has probably the best story in action/adventure genre.
Story is full of twists and it'll keep you guessing and engaged all the way.I won't say anything more,cause I don't want to spoil it.
GAMEPLAY: Uncharted 2 combines a lot of cool stuff such as platforming,puzzle-solving,stealth,shooting,co-op and fighting.
It is really cool and it never gets old and boring.
SOUND:Wow this game has the best voice acting i ever heard. You can tell what kind of relation characters have just by listening to their conversations.
Nate will make you laugh dozens of times with his jokes and statements.
Guns sound realistic too.
CONTROLS: They're nicely done and easy to learn and use and most importantly they're efficient!
LASTING APPEAL: This game is ment to be played for a long,long time cause there are few different difficulties, a lot of treasures to find, a lot of skins, weapons,art concepts,tweaks to unlock. Plus U2 has both competitive and cooperative multiplayer which trully rocks!
OVERALL: On my list of greatest games of all times Uncharted 2 takes 2nd place after Resident Evil 4.
Uncharted 2 shows PS3's potential,power and capabilities. It's PS3 exclusive and I highly recommend it to everyone.Buy it!